
Measurement CircleYou are accustomed to measure the success of your activities based on clearly defined criteria. You continuously monitor progress and rigorously follow up on commitments, dead-lines and action items you have received from the people who work for and with you. Especially for engagements abroad, you demand objective assessments of both success and shortcomings. You abhor to hear excuses why something can’t be done; you expect solutions.


At TransAdvantage, we provide ongoing follow-up on all agreed activities and initiatives, regardless of who is responsible. We communicate results to both parent company and local executives, and offer feedback with suggested adjustments if needed.
What makes us different: We measure your success against the agreed targets, and are prepared to tie our remuneration to specific results – we have skin in the game.
For each assignment, we agree on a clearly defined scope and specific deliverables. You determine what success means, and we mutually agree how to measure the outcome against those criteria. The communication channels are defined and open. We are fully accountable for our work, and we hold our partners and your internal resources to the same standards.

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