Coaching & Assessment

ConferenceRoom2The success of you business hinges on the right people in the right role. Aside from the obvious requirements regarding skill sets, expertise and experience, the crucial aspects are the traits and, most importantly, the fit into your special culture. As you are building or expanding an organization that is likely thousands of miles away from corporate headquarters, operating in a different market place, you must be able to implicitly rely on your staff abroad to represent your unique company values to your customers and stakeholders.

We can assist in the objective, fact based assessment of your management and operational resources, esp. for sales & marketing functions. We offer coaching programs, specifically in human resource and field sales management.
Our coaches have personally developed and managed highly successful, accomplished teams – from small groups to larger corporate organizations with more than 1,000 employees, from structured field sales teams to focused departments of professionals. We are objective, neutral and independent, yet not apprehensive to openly, internally address criticism or objections. At the same time, we eagerly adopt your passion for your product or service, and insatiable drive for success.
And those are the criteria we apply to our assessment process of your staff, always with the objective to improve valuable resources, cognizant of the a significant investment they represent; always striving to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness. As an external observer, we gain trust; the fact that we’ve been in the trenches ourselves builds confidence; and the awareness that we all work for a common goal ensures mutual respect.

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   Conference Room1How we do it

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