Business Management

Business Management Circle enTransAdvantage is dedicated to generating success for international manufacturing and technology businesses engaged in trans-Atlantic trade.


Our team members combine decades of experience. Our unique capabilities emanate from our intrinsic understanding of the inherent differences in doing business on both sides of the ocean. Not only are we multi-lingual and multi-national - we can document successful track records and hands-on experience in the executive management of real companies in markets and industries we serve.

We understand your challenges, because we have likely mastered many similar ones. We are especially comfortable with German Mittelstand structures and the principles of privately held enterprises. We embrace technology, product and customer solutions focused business models and are effective in relating those to American channels and stakeholder values. Our goal is to be a multiplier of your your corporate principles and philosophy in your target market.
Learn more about the following elements:

Shaddow1What we do

   Conference Room1How we do it

 Shaddow3How you benefit