
Communication CircleYou know that the success of a new venture in a yet untapped marketplace largely depends on your ability to impart as much internal knowledge as possible to the new entity. You require in-depth understanding of your organization and its Performance Program, your principles and philosophy. Especially in the early stages, very close bi-lateral communication between the parent organization and the subsidiary or partner abroad are essential.


TransAdvantage has extensive experience in facilitating that crucial communication process across the Atlantic. We understand the thinking, the values and the premises on either side. We are intrinsically familiar with the business environment and culture in both home and target market. This enables us to be an effective conduit, a proactive interpreter, a constructive critic, and, at times, an objective filter.
What makes us different: Our team members have personally mastered cross-cultural transitions themselves. They (literally and figuratively) speak your language. We have successfully served in executive management roles in both parent company and subsidiary.
Take advantage of a variety of communication solutions – from active service on your Board of Directors or Advisory Council to regular, face-to-face meetings at either location, from specific Human Resource management tasks to representation at customers, or interface with local partners, suppliers, or other stakeholders. In addition, we provide access to our extensive network of industry contacts, synergistic international companies and other expatriates.

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