The US Market for Planetary Gearboxes

planetary gearA German manufacturer for precision mechanical components with a specialty focus on planetary gear boxes and related motion products has established a leading position in its home market and several other contiguous European countries. The company is considering the potential entry into the US market.
TransAdvantage conducted a detailed review of the company’s performance program, esp. in comparison with established domestic and international competitors in the North American market. In addition, we produced comprehensive market analysis and assessment of the US market for planetary gearboxes and associated power motion products, including the entire application spectrum, detailed definition of the target markets, their specific needs and procurement processes, and an in-depth determination of the methodologies and channels to reach that audience. We provided fact based data about the size of the US market for the clients products, as well as the geographic distribution.
Our client received a solid, fact based assessment of its opportunities and challenges in entering the US market with detailed and objective recommendations, alternative approach options and an appropriate risk/reward evaluation. In the final analysis, the client decided to defer the project to a later time. as the internal resources focused on other priorities.
We would be glad to share details of our work without identifying the client’s name or specifics which would allow identification of the company or its competitors.